Chiropractic vs. Physical Therapy (What’s Best For You?)
October 28, 2021
About 65 million Americans live with back pain. In addition, there are nearly 132 million doctor visitations yearly by patients seeking to address joint and bone health issues. Bone, muscle, and back pain can be quite distressing, and a doctor may have advised you to see a chiropractor or a physiotherapist. The similarities between
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What Sets Reinhardt Chiropractic Apart From Other Chiropractors in Denver?
September 29, 2021
Picking your chiropractor can be tricky — there are countless options in the Denver area, all who claim to be the “best.” Just like selecting a primary care doctor or specialist, you’re going to want to know what makes your provider qualified and trustworthy — and most importantly, who best fits your needs. At Reinhardt
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How Chiropractic Care Successfully Treats Whiplash
June 1, 2021
You’re sitting at a red light, listening to the radio, waiting for the light to turn green. All of a sudden your vehicle is rear-ended. Your head is quickly and violently slammed backward and then forward. You feel shooting pain throughout your neck and shoulder, running up into the back of your head. Over the
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Why Do Chiropractors Take X-rays?
April 1, 2021
When you think about x-rays, you probably think about broken bones. However, the medical use and purpose of x-rays stretch beyond the ability to just identify injuries. Today, x-rays are used by a variety of medical professionals to investigate a wide range of potential issues, such as: Bone dislocations and loss Infections Calcifications Arthritis Tumors
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