Dr. Reinhardt and his team are ready to help you live a happy, healthy and pain-free life! Call or fill out the form below to get started. We offer same day appointments when available.
At Reinhardt Chiropractic & Wellness, Denver regards us as one of the best Denver chiropractic clinics. Our main goal is to create systems and procedures that help you understand the cause of your pain and how to alleviate the symptoms with the most innovative and up-to-date chiropractic care available.
If you suffer from neck pain, disc injuries, carpal tunnel, arthritis, arm and leg pain, or any other musculoskeletal issue, please contact us today. We are a Denver chiropractic clinic ready to help treat anyone in the area. We would love nothing more than to help our patients live a happier, healthier, pain-free life.
Clinic Hours
Monday – Friday: 9 AM – 1 PM & 3 PM – 6 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Still not sure if our clinic is the right fit for your specific needs?
Dr. Reinhardt is one of the top chiropractors in Denver and leads a highly skilled team that offers physical therapy, massage therapy, spinal decompression, dry needling, clinical nutrition, custom foot orthotics, fascial stretch therapy, and onsite x-rays.
Not only are we regarded as one of the best chiropractic clinics in Denver. At Reinhardt Chiropractic we are extremely versatile.
Above all else, don’t just take our word for it. Check out our reviews on the homepage. We have helped thousands of people in the Denver area live amazing pain-free lives — and we’re ready to make you the next.