Five Tips for Back to School Health
August 2, 2019
Do you hear that? If you listen closely you can start to hear the whining of kids (and parents) about school season quickly approaching. August brings with it the new school year, and millions of children will soon be back in the classroom for upwards of 40 hours a week. That’s 40 hours of sitting
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How Do Chiropractors Adjust Your Back?
January 1, 2019
Have you ever heard people going to the chiropractor to have their spine “cracked”? That process is actually something called a chiropractic adjustment, and chiropractors use them to help people with various types of aches & back pain. What are chiropractic adjustments? Chiropractic adjustments (also known as chiropractic manipulation, manual manipulation or spinal manipulation) are
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Back to School Back Pain
August 1, 2018
Back to School School is starting back up this month and that means many different things for families everywhere. But did you know that one result of kids going back to school could be back pain? This might not be something most people associate with class being back in session, but, this is a very
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Getting Your Back & Body Into Skiing Shape
October 3, 2016
Avoiding Back Pain While Skiing November is quickly approaching and with it will come the opening of Colorado’s famous ski slopes. It’s time to get back into skiing shape. A good place to start is your core muscles. Core muscles are all of your abdominal and back muscles that create the support your back needs
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